Preparing for the most important interview of your careers

The importance of securing a good job at the Core or Higher specialty level cannot be underestimated, determining your training and location for years. Through collaboration with high scoring trainees and collection of feedback from previous candidates, we want to provide resources to help you secureyour first choice job

High yield documents

We provide PDFs to compliment our videos. 

Overview videos

Our overview videos provide tips, tricks and structures for the interviews

Video content

This is an interview. It's to provide verbal scenarios for you to practice and watch model answers


Our online resources compliment our virtual courses consisting of high yield lectures and mock interview circuits
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Out team

Meet our instructors

Ash Ahluwalia

CEO & Founder
I'm currently a Trauma and Orthopaedics Specialist registrar with a vested interest in education. After ranking highly in both the CST and ST3 T+O application process, I want to help as many people do the same. Focusing on the communication and interview skills is our philosophy, building on a high level of clinical and surgical knowledge

Explore our courses


ST3 Trauma and Orthopaedics

Videos and written content to guide your interview preparation

Core Surgical Training

Coming soon
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

CT1 and ST4 Anaesthetics

Coming soon

MRCS and FRCS Courses

Coming soon

Coming soon ....

Coming soon
— Grace Walsh
Coming soon
— Grace Walsh
Coming soon
— Grace Walsh

Explore our surgical courses now!

Don't miss the opportunity to secure your first choice training job
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